- Adopt-a-Dog Animal Rescue, Inc. - website
- Blue River Medical - logo & print
- Bonesteel Trout Hall - website, print, social media
- Call Mike G. Construction - website
- Chappell's Habitat for Humanity - website
- Cherry Hill's Community Church - various printed items
- DCF Guns - logo
- Deuel County Sheriff's Department - logo
- Deuel County Tourism - website (View Site)
- Dr. Stephen Lewis - logo & website
- Hunt Club Home Owners Association - private website
- LeeAnn Reynolds (local artist) - website
- Nat's Upholstery - website (View Site)
- Park Avenue Home Owners Association - private website
- Paula Kerris - Edgar O. Kiechle: Artist Portfolio website
- Pirate Ventures - Social Media, Website Updates, Venue Marketing Campaigns
- Premier Land Management Services, LLC (View Logo & Products)
- Retro Animals - logo, website & print
- Rocky Mountain Bible College & Seminary - website & print
- Rural Housewife - website & print (View Site)
- SaddleRidge Home Owners Association - private website
- Sausalito Home Owners Association - private website
- Service Concepts International - website & print (View Site)
- Sidney Sun-Telegraph - print, social media, design editor, logo
- Solid Rock Bible Church - logo, website, print, social media (View Site)
- Taste of the Season - website
- Velasco-Trout - print
- Wreckage Auto Recycling - website
- Adopt-a-Dog Animal Rescue - Adoptable Animals
- Chappell EMT Training (View Photos)
- Cole Allison Senior Portraits
- DallyUp - Models & Products
- Harvey Family (View Photos)
- Ohnesorg Family (View Photos)